was initially founded in the end of 2010. It was built to improve the process of
instantly compiling a Youtube video playlist without having to register and login from
Youtube site. It was also from our wish of bringing the fun pieces, regardless of music or movie,
with you everywhere and organize them to multiple playlists or categories of your choice.
YTPlaylist version 1 was founded and developed based upon the open
Youtube API.
Today, the site has been widely recognized and featured all around the world in over 120 countries with an incredible amount of traffic
The site now is more social, faster, and more secured than ever to support its
original mission: to create a new social network of video playlists.
We have spent a fair amount of time since then to move YTPlaylist from a shared host to a world-class
server, and continuously applied the best industrial practices to our infrastructure from back-end
to front-end. As of today, YTPlaylist version 3 is proud to be hosted on Amazon EC2, on an lighting speed
NginX server, with a boost of Varnish, and the front-end is totally designed with the latest Bootstrap v.3.
Last but not least, we'd like to thank you all for your continuous support. As we are actively developing the
site, please feel free to contact us
for any feedback, bug report, or suggestion.